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Training and implementation

This section describes the approach to training and implementation agreed for the NHSScotland Workforce Policies.

Phase 1

NHSScotland employers will develop local implementation plans in partnership. Training requirements include:

  • short-term awareness raising
  • ongoing soft skills training as part of employers' existing leadership and management development arrangements

HR Directors are responsible for managing the implementation of the refreshed workforce policies in their respective organisations. NHSScotland employers will be given a 3-month period to prepare for the transition to the refreshed policies within their organisation, with oversight from the ‘Once for Scotland’ Workforce Policies Programme. There will be an opportunity for feedback prior to a formal launch of the refreshed policies by the Scottish Government. 

The refreshed foundation policies will be effective for staff and managers from 1 March 2020.

Due to the potentially extended nature of the process for Attendance and Capability policies, individuals at the very start of a process under these policies should move across to the refreshed policy on the completion of Stage 1, provided both sides are in agreement.  If both sides are not in agreement, the individual will remain on the existing employer's policy.

Phase 2

The Supporting Work Life Balance policies will be reviewed by the Scottish Workforce and Staff Governance (SWAG) Committee on 29 June 2023

Learn about the principles and values that make sure employees and workers are treated fairly and consistently at work.

Find out about the roles and responsibilities of the people using our workforce policies across the NHS in Scotland.

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