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The process for technical updates and formal review of the policies is detailed below.

Technical updates

The Staff Governance Team within the Workforce Practice Unit at Scottish Government will be responsible for monitoring the legislative landscape and identifying any technical updates required. 

The Scottish Workforce and Staff Governance Committee (SWAG) will be advised of any technical updates required. SWAG Committee will advise where legislative changes may require further consultation.

Formal review

Outwith technical updates, a formal review will be carried out no earlier than 3 years from the date of publication. Learning from the development and implementation of NHSScotland Workforce Policies on a ‘Once for Scotland’ approach will inform the tripartite process for a formal review.

Any new workforce policies that require to be developed will follow the ‘Once for Scotland’ approach.  Commissioned by SWAG Committee, a Policy Development Group will be formed with a clear mandate from SWAG.

Learn about the principles and values that make sure employees and workers are treated fairly and consistently at work.

Find out about the roles and responsibilities of the people using our workforce policies across the NHS in Scotland.

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