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The workforce policies below apply to all NHS employees in Scotland. They are inherent to the 'Once for Scotland' Workforce Policies Programme. Areas not addressed by these policies will continue to be covered by the current workforce policies of your NHS employer.

Applies when an employee wants to take parental leave. It outlines their statutory and contractual rights and pay arrangements.

Supporting Work Life Balance

Relates to a framework that supports employees transitioning from work to retirement or returning to employment after they retire.

Supporting Work Life Balance

Applies when an employee wants to share their leave following the birth or adoption of a child. It outlines their statutory and contractual rights and pay arrangements.

Supporting Work Life Balance

Applies when an employee requests special leave in an emergency or unexpected situation, or carer’s leave to provide immediate care for a dependant.

Supporting Work Life Balance

Relates to concerns raised by employees about patient safety or malpractice, or both.


Outlines the investigation process and supports decision-making for NHSScotland Workforce Policy cases.


Supporting documents

Each workforce policy comes with extensive support to ensure the consistent application of the policies across all NHSScotland employers. These supporting documents form part of the standard for workforce policies that apply to all NHSScotland employees.

Principles and values

Principles and values

Learn about the principles and values that make sure employees and workers are treated fairly and consistently at work.

Roles and responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities

Find out about the roles and responsibilities of the people using our workforce policies across the NHS in Scotland.

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