Workforce Policies Investigation Process overview
This policy provides a clear process to establish facts by carrying out full and thorough investigations as quickly as possible. It also supports informed and transparent decision-making for cases being considered using the NHSScotland Workforce Policies.
Who does this apply to?
The Workforce Policies Investigation Process applies to employees and workers, including bank, agency and sessional workers. It does not apply when reviewing the professional conduct or competence of medical or some dental staff.
Policy flowchart
The flowchart outlines the key steps at each stage of the Workforce Policies Investigation Process. View and accessible text alternative to the Workforce Policies Investigation Process visual flowchart.
Supporting documents
The Workforce Policies Investigation Process Policy comes with extensive support to ensure the consistent application of the policies across all NHSScotland employers. These supporting documents form part of the standard for workforce policies that apply to all NHSScotland employees.

Principles and values
Learn about the principles and values that make sure employees and workers are treated fairly and consistently at work.

Employee support
View the advice and support available to help anyone with personal or workplace difficulties while involved in workforce policy processes.

Right to be represented
The right to be represented applies to employees at any stage of a workforce policy process. Find out what this means for you.