Bullying and Harassment Policy : examples of bullying behaviour
This tool gives examples of bullying behaviours that are unacceptable in the workplace.
Examples of bullying behaviour
- shouting or swearing at a colleague
- persistent negative and inaccurate attacks on a colleague's personal or professional performance
- criticising a colleague in front of others
- spreading malicious rumours / making malicious allegations
- threatening behaviour, both verbal and physical
- body language and non-verbal communication which is inappropriate e.g. invading personal space
- use of inappropriate tone, language and quantity of emails e.g. inappropriate use of capital letters
- use of social media platforms as a method of enacting inappropriate behaviours (cyber-bullying / cyber-harassment)
- behaviour perceived as sexually threatening or intimidating
- persistently setting objectives with impossible deadlines or unachievable tasks
- removing and replacing areas of responsibility with menial or trivial tasks and taking credit for work achieved
- undervaluing a colleague's contribution, placing unreasonable demands on and / or over-monitoring a colleague’s performance
- withholding information with the intent of deliberately affecting a colleague's performance
- isolating staff
- preventing staff accessing opportunities
- inappropriate, unfair and / or inconsistent use of management policies or procedures
Any of the above behaviours can be by individuals or a group (mobbing), using verbal, non-verbal, written or electronic communications.
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