Grievance Policy : Stage 2 individual grievance outcome letter
Use this letter template when writing to an employee confirming all hearing outcomes at Stage 2 of the grievance process.
[Recipient's name & address]
Dear <Title, Surname>,
Individual Grievance Stage 2 Outcome
Further to the Stage 2 Grievance Hearing held on <DD/MM/YYYY>, I now write to confirm the outcome.
The Hearing was convened in line with NHSScotland Grievance Policy. I was supported at the hearing by <HR Representative Name, job title>. At the meeting you were <represented><accompanied> by <Name><Union><Job Title> <were not represented or accompanied and you were happy to proceed on that basis>. Management were represented by <Manager’s Name and Title> and <HR Representative Name, Job title>. <No witnesses were called.> <Management called the following witness: <Name, Title><You called the following witnesses: <Name, Title>.
At the hearing <you> <your representative > outlined your grievance which is summarised as follows:
<Insert bullet point summary>
After considering carefully all of the information and evidence that has been presented, my findings are as follows:
<Insert findings in relation to each of the bullet points of above, and then for each point add appropriate outcome sentence>
[Outcome sentence]On that basis I have concluded that this point of grievance is <upheld><partially upheld><not upheld.>
<As a result of these findings, I propose to take no further action.>
<As a result of these findings, I propose to take the following action:
<Summarise action to be taken>
This concludes the internal process.
Yours sincerely
<First Name, Surname, job title>
Chair of Stage 2 Hearing
CC: <Human Resources Representative (panel)>
<Stage 1 Human Resources Representative>
<Stage 1 Hearing Chair>
<Trade Union Representative>
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