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Grievance Policy : Early Resolution individual grievance outcome letter

Published: 01 March 2020


Version history

Use this letter template at the Early Resolution stage, when writing to an employee confirming the outcome of informal discussions.

[Recipient's name & address]



Dear <Title, Surname>,

Grievance: Early Resolution Outcome

I refer to our meeting held on <DD/MM/YYYY> to discuss your concerns and seek resolution. I now write to summarise our discussion.

At the meeting you were <represented><accompanied> by <name><Union><job title> <were not represented or accompanied and you were happy to proceed on that basis>.You outlined your grievance as follows:

<Insert bullet points summary>

After discussion <we agreed><we were unable to agree>:

<Insert summary of discussion in relation to each of the bullet points of above, and then for each point add whether resolution was achieved>

As a result of our discussion, we agreed we would take the following actions:

<Summarise action to be taken by Manager and employee>.

I hope you feel you have had an opportunity to fully explore your concerns. However if these remain unresolved you have the option to proceed to the formal stages of the Grievance Policy.

Should you wish to do so, please submit a Stage 1 Grievance Notification form to <First Name, Surname, Job Title, Address> within 14 calendar days of receipt of this letter.

Yours sincerely


<Manager’s First Name, Surname >
<Manager Job Title>

CC: <Trade Union Representative>

Enc: Policy, Flowchart and Guide for Employees

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Version history

Published: 01 March 2020


1 page [DOC]

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