Capability Policy : Stage 1 appeal invite letter
Use this letter template at Stage 1, when inviting an employee to an appeal hearing.
[Recipient's Name and Address]
Dear <Title, Surname>
Stage 1 appeal hearing
I refer to your letter of <DD/MM/YYYY> appealing against the outcome of the stage 1 final review meeting under the NHSScotland Capability Policy. I now write to invite you to an appeal hearing.
I will chair the hearing supported by <insert Name and Job Title of HR Representative on the panel>, who will provide HR advice. [insert as appropriate < and <Name, Job Title> will provide professional advice>.]
<Line Manager’s Name and Job Title> will present the management case supported by <Name and Job Title of HR Representative>.
You may wish to be represented by a trade union representative or accompanied by a work colleague.<I understand you were previously represented by <Name><Job Title><Union>.
The meeting arrangements are as follows:
Date: <DD/MM/YYYY – at least 14 days in advance>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
Prior to the meeting please:
- confirm your availability to attend
- advise who will accompany you if you have not already notified me
- provide a written statement of case outlining your grounds for appeal
This information should be provided to me by <date 7 days prior to the meeting>. You will be provided with the management case on receipt of your case.
In the meantime, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
<Name of the Hearing Chair>
<Job Title>
Cc: <Trade Union Representative
<HR Representative (panel)>
<Line Manager>
<HR support for the line manager>
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