Attendance Policy : case review meeting invite letter
Use this letter template when writing to an employee inviting them to a case review meeting.
[Recipient's name & address]
Dear <Title / Surname>
Case Review Meeting
At the <insert meeting title> on < DD/MM/YYYY> at <location> and as part of our ongoing discussions <during your sickness absence> or < about your attendance>, I advised that in line with the NHSScotland Attendance Policy a case review meeting would be appropriate
I now write to advise that a meeting has been arranged as follows:
Date: <DD/MM/YYYY>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>
<name and job title of HR Representative> and <name and job title OHS adviser> will attend to give us advice. You may wish to be represented by a Trade Union representative or accompanied by a work colleague.
We will consider and discuss whether all recommended support mechanisms have been fully considered to <facilitate a return to work> or <support you to improve your attendance at work>.
Prior to the meeting please:
- Confirm your availability to attend
- Advise who will accompany you if you have not already notified me.
This information should be provided to me by <date 7 days prior to the meeting>.
In the meantime, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
<Line Manager Name>
<Job Title>
<Cc: HR Representative Name>
< OHS nurse / adviser Name>
< Trade Union Representative>
<if not already included in previous correspondence:>
Enc Attendance Policy, Attendance - Employee Guide, Attendance Policy Flowchart
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