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Grievance Policy : flowchart text alternative

Published: 01 March 2020


Version history

When a grievance complaint is raised, this text alternative for the Grievance Policy visual flowchart [PDF] provides an accessible summary of the process to be followed.

Overview of chart structure

There are two initial steps in this chart:

  1. Employee raises a grievance complaint with a manager then
  2. Early Resolution meeting takes place and outcome confirmed in writing

After these steps, the question is asked, has Early Resolution been achieved? If Early Resolution has been achieved, the process ends, otherwise a formal grievance should be notified.

If an investigation is required, then the next step is to use the Workforce Policies Investigation Process. After the Workforce Policies Investigation Process report has been submitted, the next step is Stage 1 grievance hearing. The flowchart then steps through the two stages of the formal process.

Grievance flowchart

Early Resolution

Chart starts with an employee raising a grievance complaint with a manager, then an Early Resolution meeting takes place and the outcome is confirmed in writing. Then the question is asked, has Early Resolution been achieved? If the answer is yes to the question, has Early Resolution been achieved, then the process ends.

If the answer is no to the question, has Early Resolution been achieved, then the question is asked has a formal grievance been notified? If the answer is no to the question, has a formal grievance been notified, then the process ends.

If the answer is yes to the question, has a formal grievance been notified, the question is asked, is an investigation required? If the answer is no to the question, is an investigation required, then the flow connects to the step, Stage 1 grievance hearing. To go to this step, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to the step, Stage 1 grievance hearing.

If the answer is yes to the question, is an investigation required, then use the Workforce Policies Investigation Process. Then investigation report is submitted.

Stage 1

Then Stage 1 grievance hearing, then the question is asked, is there sufficient information to make a decision? If the answer is no to the question, is there sufficient information to make a decision, then adjourn Stage 1 hearing. Then use the Workforce Policies Investigation Process or request additional information. Then investigation report or additional information submitted, then reconvene Stage 1 hearing. Then the flow returns to the step Stage 1 grievance hearing. To go to this step, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to the step, Stage 1 grievance hearing.

If the answer is yes to the question, is there sufficient information to make a decision, then outcome given. Then the question is asked, has resolution been achieved? If the answer is yes to the question, has resolution been achieved, then the process ends.

If the answer is no to the question, has resolution been achieved, then the question is asked, has a Stage 2 grievance been notified? If the answer is no to the question, has a Stage 2 grievance been notified, then the process ends.

If the answer is yes to the question, has a Stage 2 grievance been notified, then the question is asked, is an investigation required? If the answer is no to the question, is an investigation required, then the flow connects to the step, Stage 2 grievance hearing. To go to this step, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to the step, Stage 2 grievance hearing.

If the answer is yes to the question, has a Stage 2 grievance been notified, then use the Workforce Policies Investigation Process, then investigation report.

Stage 2

Then Stage 2 grievance hearing, then the question is asked, was there sufficient information to make a decision? If the answer is no to the question, was there sufficient information to make a decision, then adjourn Stage 2 hearing, then the flow connects to the step, refer to Workforce Policies Investigation Process. To go to this step, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to the step, use the Workforce Policies Investigation Process.

If the answer is yes to the question, was there sufficient information to make a decision, then outcome given. Then the question is asked, has resolution been achieved? If the answer is yes to the question, has resolution been achieved, then the process ends.

If the answer is no to the question, has resolution been achieved, then the question is asked, has a wider organisational consequence been notified? If the answer is no to the question, has a wider organisational consequence been notified, then the process ends.

If the answer is yes to the question, has a wider organisational consequence been notified, then case is referred to Director of Human Resources and Employee Director, then there is a Board-level hearing, then the outcome is given, then the process ends.

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Version history

Published: 01 March 2020

Relates to complaints from an employee or group of employees regarding their employment situation.

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