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Attendance Policy : flowchart text alternative

Published: 01 March 2020


Version history

When health-related issues impact an employee's attendance, this text alternative for the Attendance Policy visual flowchart [PDF] provides an accessible summary of the process to be followed.

Overview of chart structure

There are two initial steps in this chart:

  1. Employee advises manager that they are unable to attend work, then
  2. Supportive contact arrangement agreed by employee and manager

After these steps a question is asked, is employee likely to return to work within 28 days?

If the employee is likely to return to work within 28 days, then the next step is a return to work discussion. If no action is required, this is the end of the process. If action is required, short-term support should be considered. If support is successful, this is the end of the process, otherwise the next step is a Stage 1 meeting.

If the employee is unlikely to return within 28 days, the next step is a meeting between the employee and manager. Referral to the Occupational Health Service (OHS) and other appropriate support should be considered. If implemented, support measures are then reviewed.

If support has been successful, this is the end of the process. If support is unsuccessful, then the next step is to check if the employee is fit to return in a reasonable timescale. There are then two outcomes:

  1. Implement OHS recommendations
  2. Referral to appropriate stage of the Formal Process

After the OHS recommendations are implemented, they are reviewed. If the recommendations are successful, this is the end of the process. If they are not successful, then the next step is referral to the appropriate stage of the Formal Process.

The flowchart then steps through the three stages of the Formal Process.

Attendance flowchart

Chart begins with an employee advising their manager that they are unable to attend work. The next step is a supportive contact agreement between the employee and the manager. Then the question is asked, is employee likely to return to work within 28 days? If the answer is yes to the question, is employee likely to return to work within 28 days, then the employee and the manager have a return to work discussion. Then the question is asked, is action required? If the answer is no to the question, is action required, then the process ends.

If the answer is yes to the question, is action required, then consider short-term support. Then implement short-term support, then review short-term support. Then the question is asked, has short-term support been successful?

If the answer is yes to the question, has short-term support been successful, then the process ends.

If the answer is no to the question, has short-term support been successful, then referral to Stage 1. Then Stage 1 meeting to agree adjustments and attendance levels. To go to this step, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to the step Stage 1 meeting to agree adjustments and attendance levels.

If the answer is no to the question, is employee likely to return to work within 28 days, then the employee and the manager have a meeting. Then consider referral to Occupational Health Service (OHS). Then consider appropriate support, then implement support, then review support. Then the question is asked, was support successful? If the answer is yes to the question, was support successful, then the process ends.

If the answer is no to the question, was support successful, then the question is asked, is the employee fit to return in a reasonable timescale? If the answer is yes to the question, is the employee fit to return in a reasonable timescale, then implement OHS recommendations. Then the question is asked, have recommendations been successful? If the answer is yes to the question, have recommendations been successful, then the process ends.

If the answer is no to the questions, have recommendations been successful, then referral to appropriate stage of the Formal Process.

Stage 1

Then Stage 1 meeting to agree adjustments and attendance levels. Then review meeting or meetings, then final review meeting. The question is asked, has employee met standards expected? If the answer is yes to the question, has employee met standards expected, then the process ends.

If the answer is no to the question, has employee met standards expected, then the question is asked, are there extenuating circumstances? If the answer is yes to the question, are there extenuating circumstances, then the review period is extended and the flow returns to the step, Stage 1 review meeting or meetings. To return to this step, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to step, Stage 1 review meeting or meetings.

If the answer is no to the question, are there extenuating circumstances, then progress to Stage 2. Then the question is asked, has the employee lodged an appeal? If the answer is no to the question, has the employee lodged an appeal, then continue to progress to Stage 2.

If the answer is yes to the question, has the employee lodged an appeal, then undertake a paper-based appeal. Then the question is asked, has the appeal been upheld? If the answer is yes to the question, has the appeal been upheld, then the flow returns to the step, Stage 1 review meeting or meetings. To go to this step, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to step, Stage 1 review meeting or meetings.

If the answer is no to the question, has the appeal been upheld, then continue to progress to Stage 2.

Stage 2

Then Stage 2 meeting to agree adjustments and attendance levels. Then review meeting or meetings, then final review meeting. The question is asked, has employee met standards expected? If the answer is yes to the question, has employee met standards expected, then the process ends.

If the answer is no to the question, has employee met standards expected, then the question is asked, are there extenuating circumstances? If the answer is yes to the question, are there extenuating circumstances, then the review period is extended and the flow returns to the step, Stage 2 review meeting or meetings. To return to this step, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to step, Stage 2 review meeting or meetings.

If the answer is no to the question, are there extenuating circumstances, then progress to Stage 3. Then the question is asked, has the employee lodged an appeal? If the answer is no to the question, has the employee lodged an appeal, then continue to progress to Stage 3.

If the answer is yes to the question, has the employee lodged an appeal, then appeal hearing. Then the question is asked, has the appeal been upheld? If the answer is yes to the question, has the appeal been upheld, then the flow returns to the step, Stage 2 review meeting or meetings. To go to this step, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to step, Stage 2 review meeting or meetings.

If the answer is no to the question, has the appeal been upheld, then continue to progress to Stage 3.

Stage 3

Then Stage 3 hearing, then the question is asked, can the required level of attendance be met? If the answer is yes to the question, can the required level of attendance be met, then extended period of support. Then the question is asked, extended review period successful? If the answer is yes to the question, extended review period successful, then the process ends.

If the answer is no to the question, extended review period successful, then reconvene Stage 3 hearing, then the flow returns to the step Stage 3 hearing. To return to this step, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to the step, Stage 3 hearing.

If the answer is no to the question, can the required level of attendance be met, then there are two possible outcomes:

  1. Consider permanent redeployment
  2. Consider termination of employment

If outcome 1, consider permanent redeployment, then the question is asked, is redeployment successful? If the answer is yes to the question, is redeployment successful, then the process ends.

If the answer is no to the question, is redeployment successful, then reconvene Stage 3 hearing, then the flow returns to the step Stage 3 hearing. To return to this step, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to step, Stage 3 hearing.

If outcome 2, consider termination of employment, then the question is asked, has the employee lodged an appeal? If the answer is no to the question, has the employee lodged an appeal, then the process ends.

If the answer is yes to the question, has the employee lodged an appeal, then the question is asked, has the appeal been upheld? If the answer is yes to the question, has the appeal been upheld, then revisit alternatives to dismissal, then the flow returns to the question, can the required level of attendance be met? To return to this question, follow the next link otherwise skip the next link. Jump to the question, can the required level of attendance be met.

If the answer is no to the question, has the appeal been upheld, then the process ends.

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Version history

Published: 01 March 2020

Applies where health is impacting on an employee’s ability to be at work.

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