Workforce Policies Investigation Process : investigation notification letter
Use this letter template when writing to an employee to notify them of an investigation.
[Recipient's name and address]
*Please delete as appropriate
Dear <Title/Surname>,
Following our meeting on <Insert date>], I am writing to advise that [*I will be conducting/* I have identified <Insert Name and Job Title of Investigating Manager> to conduct] an investigation into the following allegation(s):
<Insert paragraph(s) identifying all allegations/incidents/issues of concern, including dates and times if applicable>
This Investigation will be conducted in line with the NHSScotland Workforce Policies Investigation Process, a copy of which is enclosed for your information. As part of the investigation, you will be invited to attend an investigatory meeting. You will have the right to be represented by an accredited trade union representative or work colleague. [*I /*<Insert Name of Investigating Manager] will be in contact in the near future to arrange to meet with you.
Should you wish to provide a written statement detailing your account of events or to expand on a statement you have already provided, please sign and date it and send it to <Insert Name, Job Title and address> by <Insert date> for consideration at our meeting.
In the meantime, you should avoid discussing the case with anyone other than your representative to ensure your confidentiality [*and that of the other parties involved].
Should you have any queries in relation to this correspondence, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
<Insert Name of Line Manager>
<Insert Job Title>
Enc - NHSScotland Workforce Policies Investigation Process/Flowchart/Guide for Employees
cc [* Investigating Manager]
HR Representative
Trade Union Representative, if known
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