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Workforce Policies Investigation Process : investigation meeting invite letter

Published: 01 March 2020


Version history

Use this letter template when inviting the respondent to an investigatory meeting.

[Recipient's name & address]



[*Delete as appropriate]

Dear <Title, Surname>

Investigatory Meeting

I am writing to ask you to attend an Investigatory Meeting into the following allegation(s):

<Insert paragraph(s) identifying all allegations/incidents/issues of concern, including dates and times if applicable>

The meeting will be held in accordance with NHSScotland’s Workforce Policies Investigation Process, [*a copy of which you have previously received / *is enclosed for your information].

The purpose of the meeting is to enable the investigation team to understand what happened in this matter. Once I have concluded my investigation I will consider whether any further action is required under NHSScotland Workforce Policies.

The meeting arrangements are as follows:

Date: <Insert date at least 14 days hence>
Time: <Insert time>
Location: <Insert venue>

At the meeting I will be supported by <Insert HR Adviser name and Job Title>.

You are entitled to be represented by an accredited Trade Union representative or a workplace colleague. It is your responsibility to arrange representation, but if you require any advice about how to do this, please contact <Insert name, job title and contact details>.

[*I have enclosed statements and / or *documentation which will be discussed at the meeting / *You will be forwarded copies of relevant documentation 14 days in advance of the meeting]. Should you wish to provide a written statement detailing your account of events or to expand on a statement you have already provided, please sign and date it and send it to <Insert name, job title and address> by <Insert date> for consideration at our meeting.

[*You should be aware that in undertaking this investigation, I will also consider whether the allegations against you are relevant in relation to *your bank contract and / or your other substantive employment with the Board.]

A note of the meeting will be taken which is not verbatim but will act as a record of what was discussed. You will be sent a copy of the note following the meeting and asked to confirm that it is an accurate record.

Please contact <Insert name, job title and contact details> by <Insert date> to confirm that your availability to attend this meeting and to advise if you will be represented and if so, by whom.

In the meantime you should avoid discussing the case with anyone other than your representative to ensure your confidentiality [*and that of the other parties involved].

If you have any questions about the content of this letter or regarding the investigatory meeting, please contact me or <Insert HR representative name/post title> on < Insert contact details>.

Yours sincerely


<Investigating Manager>
<Job Title>

Enc. <Copy of investigation documents>

cc <HR Representative>
<Trade Union Representative>

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Version history

Published: 01 March 2020


2 page [DOC]