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Conduct Policy : conduct hearing outcome - no further action letter

Published: 01 March 2020


Version history

Use this letter template when writing to an employee confirming no further action is required following a conduct hearing.

[Recipient's name & address]



Dear <Title, Surname>,

Outcome of Conduct Hearing

Thank you for attending the conduct hearing on <DD/MM/YYYY>, at <Location>. I confirm that the hearing was held in accordance with the NHSScotland Conduct Policy. The purpose of the hearing was to consider the following allegation(s):

[The details provided here should be the same as the details provided to the employee in their original letter advising them of the allegations with further detail that has become clear during the investigation, or with any additional allegations that have been added as part of the investigation process and the employee has had an opportunity to respond to. Equally, if an allegation has been removed following the investigation, this should be clearly indicated .]

I chaired the hearing, supported by <First Name, Surname, Job Title of HR Representative> and <First Name, Surname, Job Title><who provided>< professional><technical><>educational advice>. <First Name, Surname, Job Title> presented the findings from the investigation, along with <First Name, Surname, Job Title>. At the meeting you <were represented>< accompanied> by <First Name, Surname><Union>< Job Title> > <were not represented or accompanied and were happy to proceed on that basis>.<First Name, Surname, Job Title> <attended as a witness for management> <attended as your witness(es).><You>< management> decided not to call any witnesses to the hearing.

Prior to commencing the hearing, you confirmed that you had received a full copy of the investigation report.

Having taking into consideration all of the information that was presented to me including you and <First Name, Surname, Union’s> response to the allegations, please find below the findings relating to the allegation(s).

1. The allegation of ###

[Provide details of the evidence that was considered – both oral and documentary where relevant and summarise the case which was presented and any mitigating factors specific to the individual allegation]
In respect of this allegation I find that there is <evidence><insufficient evidence> to support this allegation.

[Repeat for each allegation].

Insert section on general mitigation

In coming to my decision I have taken the following factors into account [insert your own findings or examples of possible factors from the following list]:

  1. Your length of service and the fact that no other significant incident has been raised;
  2. That you have had no previous indication of issues of this nature being raised by staff;
  3. The length of time which has elapsed before the original incident was raised;
  4. That you had received <no><insufficient> training in this area.

After careful consideration of all the facts presented to me, I would advise that no further action will be taken. However, should any further allegations of misconduct a further investigation may be required. [insert if appropriate] <Although I determined that no further action was required in terms of a disciplinary sanction, I would recommend that you undertake further training in [insert training required].

Yours sincerely


<First Name Surname>
<Job Title>
of Chairperson at the Disciplinary Hearing]

cc: <First Name, Surname> <Investigating Manager>
<First Name, Surname><Line Manager if not the Investigating Manager>
<First Name, Surname><HR Support to the Investigating Manager>
<First Name, Surname> <Trade Union Representative>
<First Name, Surname> <Others on Panel>

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Version history

Published: 01 March 2020


2 page [DOC]