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Conduct Policy : appeal hearing invite letter

Published: 01 March 2020


Version history

Use this letter template when writing to an employee, inviting them to attend an appeal hearing.

[Recipient's name & address]



Dear <Title, Surname>,

Invite to Attend an Appeal Hearing

I refer to your letter dated <DD/MM/YYYY> informing me that you wish to appeal the decision taken to issue you with <insert detail of the sanction> following a conduct hearing held on <DD/MM/YYYY>.

I am writing to invite you to attend an appeal hearing that has been arranged for:

Date: <DD/MM/YYYY>
Time: <Time>
Location: <Location>

I will chair the appeal hearing le>, and will be advised on process and procedure by <First Name, Surname, Job Title of HR representative>. [Insert if appropriate<First Name Surname, Job Title> will be present as the <professional><technical><educational> representative on the appeal panel.] [Insert in Dismissal appeals <First Name Surname, Job Title> will be present as the second representative of the Board on the panel.

The Management Case will be presented by the chairperson of the Conduct Hearing <First Name, Surname, Job Title> and they will be supported by <First Name, Surname, Job Title of HR representative>.

You are entitled to be represented by a Trade Union representative or accompanied by a work colleague and I understand that <First Name Surname><Union><Job Title> is representing you. A copy of this letter has been sent to them.

Can you please confirm that you can attend this hearing and let me have your statement of case outlining the grounds for appeal no later than 7 calendar days in advance of the hearing, i.e. by <DD/MM/YYYY>. I will then arrange for an exchange of documentation to take place, so that your information can be shared with those individuals due to attend the hearing. Please note that new evidence will not normally be accepted at the hearing which has not already been provided in your statement of case. When I write to you about the exchange of documentation you will also be notified of any witnesses being called by the management side. You also have the opportunity to call witnesses. If you wish to call witnesses it is your responsibility to organise this.

I would be grateful if you could confirm your availability to attend by contacting <First Name, Surname, Job Title> by <DD/MM/YYYY> and provide the details of who will be accompanying you and any witnesses you wish to call at the hearing.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that confidential Occupational Health Service advice is available if you require support with any health issues as a result of the conduct process. Details can be found on the Board’s intranet page.

If you have any specific needs at the hearing, or if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either <First Name, Surname of HR Representative on the panel> on <Telephone Number> or myself.

Yours sincerely


<First Name Surname >
<Job Title >
(Chairperson of Appeal Hearing)


<First Name, Surname> <Trade Union / Representative>
<First Name, Surname> <Appeal Panel HR Representative>
Additional Panel members
Chair of Conduct Hearing
HR Representative to Conduct Hearing

Enclosed: Formal hearing guide

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Version history

Published: 01 March 2020


2 page [DOC]