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Capability Policy : Stage 2 final review meeting outcome letter

Published: 01 March 2020


Version history

Use this letter template at Stage 2, when writing to an employee confirming the outcome of a final review meeting.

[Recipient's name & address]



Dear <Title, Surname>,

Outcome from Stage 2 Final Review Meeting

Thank you for attending the Formal Stage 2 Meeting on the <DD/MM/YYYY> in <Location>. The meeting was held in accordance with the NHSScotland Capability Policy. The purpose of this letter is to confirm the outcome and actions that were agreed.

I chaired the meeting, supported by <First Name Surname of HR representative>, <Job Title>. I note you were <represented><accompanied> by <First Name Surname>, <Job Title>. <I note that you were not represented or accompanied and were happy to proceed on that basis>. <Name, job title>, chair of the Formal Stage 1 process was also in attendance.

The purpose of the meeting was to formally review your performance in your current role as <Job Title>,<Band> during the second formal stage, including the support mechanisms which were provided to you.

Improvements were required in the following areas:

  • [Summary of areas where performance requires to be improved]

The following support had been put in place:

  • [Detail of support e.g. Occupational Health referral, restricted duties, training, mentoring, etc]
  • Reployment was considered [detail the outcome]
  • OR Redeployment was not considered as an appropriate option because [State Reason].

Full details of the objectives, timescales, support and evidence of achievements are documented in the enclosed Supported Improvement Plan.

[Delete as appropriate]

<I am pleased to confirm that your performance in your current role has reached a satisfactory standard and therefore you will no longer be managed under the NHSScotland Capability Policy and no further action is required.

Please note, should your performance cause any concern in the future, we may revisit managing your performance under the Capability Policy.>


<Unfortunately, satisfactory improvement has not been achieved in the following areas:

  • [summary of areas where improvements have not been achieved]

Further detail can be found in the attached Supported Improvement Plan.

As discussed during the meeting, your performance will now be addressed under Formal Stage 3 of the Capability Policy. Details of the arrangements for the Stage 3 Hearing will be issued to you in the near future.

You have the right of appeal against the decision to progress to Stage 3. Should you wish to do so, you should lodge your appeal in writing, stating your reasons for appeal to <First Name, Surname><Job title><Address>. Your appeal should be received within 14 calendar days of receipt of this letter.>

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that confidential Occupational Health Service advice is available if you require support with any health issues as a result of the capability process. Details can be found on the Board’s intranet page.

If you have any queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

<Chair of Stage 2 Review>
<Job Title>

CC: <Line Manager>
<HR representative>
<Trade Union Representative>

Encl: <OHS report/s>
<Any other supporting documentation>

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Version history

Published: 01 March 2020


2 page [DOC]