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Capability Policy : Stage 1 initial meeting outcome letter

Published: 01 March 2020


Version history

Use this letter template when writing to an employee confirming the outcome of an initial Stage 1 meeting.

[Recipient's name & address]




Dear <Title, Surname>

Stage 1 Meeting - Outcome

Thank you for meeting with me on <DD/MM/YYYY>. I was supported at the meeting by <name, job title> who provided HR advice.

At the meeting you <were represented><accompanied> by <name><Union><job title> <were not represented or accompanied and you were happy to proceed on that basis>.

During the meeting we reviewed and discussed your performance at work and how the expected standard can be achieved.

At this meeting we agreed the attached Supported Improvement Plan which outlines the areas of improvement required, the support that will be made available to you and the timescales for achievement.

In line with our discussion we will meet again in <insert month or date of next meeting> to review progress. If in the meantime you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely


< Manager Name>
<Job Title>

Cc: <Trade Union Representative>
<HR representative>

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Version history

Published: 01 March 2020


1 page [DOC]

This form is used to record areas for improvement by an employee, agreed timescales and support to achieve the required standard of performance.