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Attendance Policy : long-term sickness meeting invite letter

Published: 01 March 2020


Version history

Use this letter template when writing to an employee inviting them to attend a meeting about long-term sickness absence.

[Recipient's name & address]






Dear <Title / Surname>

Attendance Meeting

During our ongoing discussions during your sickness absence, we agreed that we would meet to consider how you can be supported <to return to work> or <during your absence from work>. I can now confirm that the meeting arrangements are as follows:

Date: <DD/MM/YYYY – at least 14 days from date of letter>
Time: <Time>
Location: <employee’s work location> or <other NHSScotland premises> or <other location> or <employee’s home>

At this meeting we will discuss:

  • How your recovery is progressing and any treatment or developments that may impact on the timescales for your return to work;
  • Any medical advice or information that you wish to share e.g. from an Occupational Health Service (OHS) self-referral
  • <insert if appropriate: The benefits of a management referral to OHS in supporting your return to work>
  • Any workplace alterations which would support your return to work
  • Medical certification requirements for sick pay purposes
  • Any changes to your salary or sick pay
  • Annual leave entitlement
  • Any other relevant points

I have asked <name and job title of HR Representative> to provide HR advice at the meeting. You may wish to be represented by a Trade Union representative or accompanied by a work colleague.

Prior to the meeting please:

  • Confirm your availability to attend
  • Advise who will accompany you if you have not already notified me of this

This information should be provided to me by <date 7 days prior to the meeting>.

If you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely



<Line Manager Name>
<Job Title>

<Cc HR Representative Name> 
<Trade Union Representative>

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Version history

Published: 01 March 2020


2 page [DOC]